Study In Georgia


English Philology Study Program

Considering complexity of the field of philology, the program is designed to mold high qualified professionals with the competence relevant to humanitarian thought, pedagogical activities and effective communication. The program is in full compliance with the university mission – “to expand knowledge boundaries and educate a person”… 

The mission is attainable due to the standards of academic honesty, practice-based professional activities, as well as due to the scientific advancements supporting sound, human and democratic development of the society to favor eventually well-being of the nation and humankind. Development of the research and practical skills relevant to the Bachelor’s competence, provided by the synthesis of the theoretical and practical courses, supports achievement of the program goals. 

Student-oriented teaching is aimed at developing creative thinking, meeting the students’ diverse interests and demands, forming the skills required to adhere to the standards of academic honesty, ethical and professional norms, and shaping the skills needed for accepting national and international values. The competences developed in the premises of the program enable the graduate to be employed in publishing houses, the system of the means of mass communication and in the companies where the demand for English-languaged professional communicator is evidenced.

Considering the changing demands of the labor market, the subjects focused on the development of the English language teaching competences are integrated in the program. The bachelor program of the English Philology provides the students with the knowledge meeting the modern standards of the humanitarian thought and equips future marketable professionals with the extensive knowledge of the philological and adjacent fields. The program provides the graduate with the opportunity to continue studies on the adjacent specialties. The mentioned opportunity is provided by academic staff and educational components integrated in the program.

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:        

  • Workbook methods
  • Explanatory method
  • Demonstration method
  • Interactive Lectures
  • Laboratory
  • Presentations
  • Search the relevant material in electronic format or libraries
  • Deliver presentation
  • Written work method
  • Team work method
  • Role playing
  • Case Study
  • Essays

Verbal/Oral method

  • Discussions/Debates
  • Lecture-seminar
  • Oral exam
  • Learning outcomes:       
  • Knowledge and understanding

The graduate will be able to:

  • Know fundamental linguistic concepts and language functions
  • Know the principles of phonemic and morphemic analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the methods of component and stylistic analysis; the method of immediate constituents, the principles of hyponymy, categorization and conceptualization, synchronic and diachronic approaches
  • Realize the specificity of the language research in the contexts of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and applied linguistics
  • Apprehend the basic principles of the stylistic classification of the English vocabulary
  • Understand the essence of semantic, stylistic, emotional and coherent meanings
  • Understand specificity of different functional styles of the English language
  • Apprehend the peculiarities of different periods and affecting factors on language development
  • Apprehend the essence of the changes on different stages of language development
  • Comprehend the essence of the peculiarities of integration and differentiation processes
  • Apprehend the essence of cause and effect between extra-linguistic and linguistic factors
  • Know the mechanisms of facilitating intercultural communication and building intercultural relationship
  • Realize the specificity of different types of culture and communication contexts
  • Understand the essence of the cultural dimensions of language
  • Realize epochal markers of the world literature
  • Realize the essence of the concepts “genre”, “text type” and “discourse”
  • Understand peculiarities of the “political,” “social,” and “historical” levels in literature
  • Understand specificity of the phenomenological method and hermeneutical analysis of the text
  • Understand specificity of the APA style standards
  • Know the strategies for constructing the narrative, description, comparison, classification, cause and effect, argument, analysis
  • Know the strategies of differentiating and generalizing information
  • Grasp the content of both explicit and implicit information including both main ideas and supporting details of complex oral and written texts
  • Apprehend specificity of the target vocabulary including nuances of meaning
  • Realize specificity of letters of different formats
  • Understand peculiarities of the syntactic structures relevant to the competent use of language (C2).
  • Know different strategies, approaches and theories on the processes of learning, teaching and assessment
  • Understand the demands of exceptional learners and the need for creating special environment for them
  • Know the technique of description, comparison and differentiation of the trends and methods relevant to contemporary methodologies
  • Realize peculiarities of the vocabulary and syntactic structures relevant to the independent use (B2) of the second European (elective) language
  • Know the technique of text compression
  • Understand specificity of the comparative analysis of different civilizations
  • Realize the role and the place of the humans, specificity of their activities and their economical and social relations in different historical ages
  • Know the major aspects of political history of different nations and countries
  • Understand the role and the contribution of different nations and civilizations to the world culture
  • Understand specificity of the office computer programs.


Applying knowledge

Graduate will be able to:

  • Apply the methods and principles relevant to linguistics (description, comparison, differentiation, principles of phonemic and morphemic analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the methods of component and stylistic analysis; the method of immediate constituents, the principles of hyponymy, categorization and conceptualization; synchronic and diachronic approaches) to complete the course paper under the continuous guidance and monitoring of the supervisor;
  • Apply APA style standards while producing written texts
  • Use target vocabulary including nuances of meaning
  • Produce letters of different formats
  • Apply syntactic structures relevant to the competent use of language
  • Apply the methods relevant to the sphere of literature (the methods of phenomenological and hermeneutical analysis of the text) to complete the course paper under the continuous guidance and monitoring of the supervisor
  • Apply the methods and principles relevant to the sphere of language teaching (description, comparison, differentiation,  analysis) to complete the course paper under the continuous guidance and monitoring of the supervisor
  • Plan and conduct English language lessons, assess the learners’ knowledge
  • Construct the narrative, description, comparison, classification, cause and effect, argument, analysis.
  • Differentiate and generalize information
  • Compress the text
  • Produce clearly structured complex oral and written texts presenting both explicit and implicit information within the premises of the competent use of the English language
  • Apprehend and produce adequately written and oral texts of complexity relevant to independent use of the second European (elective) language within the premises of the independent use of the language
  • Based on outlined recommendations,  synchronize different historical events  of  different countries occurring in the same historical age
  • Unite historical sources of different periods in general chronological framework  under the supervisor’s guidance
  • Apply the office computer programs.


Making Judgments

Graduate will be able to:

  • Synthesize the data obtained by applying the methods and principles relevant to the professional field (description, comparison, differentiation, principles of phonemic and morphemic analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the method of component and stylistic analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the principle of hyponymy, categorization and conceptualization; synchronic and diachronic approaches)
  • Synthesize the data obtained by applying the methods and principles relevant to literature (the methods of phenomenological and hermeneutical analysis of the text)
  • Synthesize the data obtained by applying the methods and principles relevant to the sphere of language teaching (strategies and theories of learning and assessment)
  • Interpret the events occurring in different historical epochs and develop arguments under the supervision of the academic supervisor
  • Assess historical processes within the local and global contexts and develop arguments under the supervision of the academic supervisor
  • Develop knowledge-based logical judgments while analyzing professional scientific literature.


Communications Skills

Graduate will be able to:

  • Deliver information on the issues relevant to the field of linguistics to professionals (philologists, language teachers) as well as non-professionals (general public)
  • Communicate effectively with the learners considering their intellectual and psychological peculiarities
  • Deliver information on the issues of the world history to professionals (historians) as well as non-professionals (general public)
  • Participate effectively in debates and public discussions 
  • Prepare and present clearly structured report both orally and in written
  • Respond appropriately to complex utterances within the premises of the competent use of the English language
  • Communicate persuasively and ask questions within the premises of different social contexts
  • Comment on the different topics and express one’s own position about significant issues within the premises of the independent use of the Second European (elective) language
  • Search for the relevant material in online recourses
  • Apply modern information technologies for the purpose of providing effective visual information.


Learning Skills

Graduate will be able to:

  • Continuously renew the knowledge in the field of philology and pedagogy
  • Refine the language competence
  • Integrate the accumulated knowledge with the newly gained knowledge
  • Pursue further self-development
  • Learn and apply scientific literature
  • Make unbiased self-assessment
  • Plan and manage academic time
  • Continue studies on the next educational level.



Graduate will be able to:

  • Show respect to the language as to the system of values.
  • Show respect to the phenomenon of intercultural communication as to the dialogue of cultures
  • Show respect to the cultural values relevant to the epoch of the literary work
  • Show respect to the historical past of the country and language
  • Show respect to cultural and historical heritage of the world peoples
  • Participate in the process of knowledge sharing
  • Appreciate bilingualism and multiculturalism as specific educational contexts
  • Show professional honesty and fairness in the relationship with the learners
  • Respect and adhere to the ethic norms accepted at school
  • Show objective attitude to the ethical issues occurring in the sphere of education
  • Show respect to the standards of academic honesty.