Living Cost in Georgia


A ticket for public transport vehicles (Bus and Metro) costs 0.50 Gel ($0.17) for everyone. However, students with ‘student’s card’ paying only 0.20 Gel ($0.07) for a ticket. Each ticket is valid for 1.30 hr. Within the 1.30 hr time frame, a ticket holder can enter any public vehicle for FREE with the ticket card.

Yandex and BOLT exist in major Georgian cities for everyone who prefers to use taxi. Taxis charge about 5 Gel ($1.7) for a 7 km journey. And cars are affordable for those who prefer to purchase a vehicle while studying in Georgia.

Tuition Fee

The average tuition fee for MBBS (Medicine&Dentistry) program in Georgia is $4,500 per academic year and $3,500 for Non-MBBS Programs such as Business. Engineering and Technology.

Monthly Rent

We recommend students to budget $250 – $350 per month on accommodation in the Tbilisi.

Shoes and Clothes

Student Cards (Students get discounts and sales offers occasionally using this card).

Monthly Utilities

The Average cost of utility bills in Georgia for International students during the warm season is $40 (120 Gel) And $80 (240 Gel) in Winter.

Optic Internet 30 MB- $10 (30 Gel)

Water, Light and Sanitation – $15 (44 Gel)

(Same in Winter Gas – 40 Gel (130 Gel in Winter) These prices can be higher or lower depending on the diligent/extravagant habit of the student.

Leisure and Fun

Many of the tourist attraction in Georgia are free for access. However some require visitors to pay an entrance fee.
Billiard Board 7 Gel($2.5,14. Zoo Ticket -3 Gel ($1.10). Top Night clubs-10 Gel ($3.5). Local Daily Tours from Tbilisi – <120 Gel ($40). Male Haircut -10 Gel ($3.5) for hairline saving barbers. Pedicure <100 Gel($35).
Students enjoy discounts on entrance fee to access some of the tourist attraction in Georgia.


Everyone agrees that food in Georgia is Cheap. Most of the good restaurants offer delicious meals at affordable prices.
Here is a rough estimation of some popular foodstuffs in Tbilisi. 1 kg Halal Beef – 20 Gel ($7). 1 kg Potato -1.70 Gel ($0.60). Bread 1 Gel ($0.35).

Living Expenses in Georgia for International Students

Georgia is a popular destination for international students, but the cost of living in this country can vary greatly depending on location, lifestyle choices, and personal preferences. To help students make informed decisions and effectively manage their finances during their stay, we have compiled a comprehensive guide to living expenses in Georgia. This includes accommodation costs (ranging from 960 to 3,600 USD per year), food expenses, transportation fees, utilities, health insurance costs and other miscellaneous activities. On average, an international student should budget around 7,000 to 8,000 USD for living expenses in Georgia. By understanding different aspects like accommodation options and transportation networks along with tips and resources provided by us can help students plan their finances strategically for a fulfilling experience in this amazing country.

Types of Living Expenses in Georgia


Accommodation costs for foreign students in Georgia vary based on location, type of housing, and amenities. Here are the common options:

Dormitories: Many universities offer on-campus dormitories with shared or private rooms and shared facilities like bathrooms and kitchens. Costs range from $80 to $150 per month.

Apartments: Renting an apartment, either shared with roommates or private, is popular. Shared apartments usually come furnished with internet and utilities included, costing $100 to $300 per month. Private apartments offer more privacy and vary in size and amenities.

Homestays: Living with a local family provides a cultural experience and affordability. Homestays often include meals and opportunities for language practice.

On average, accommodation costs in Georgia range from $80 to $300 per month.


Food and grocery expenses for foreign students in Georgia depend on dietary preferences, eating habits, and location. Here are some key points:

Groceries: Buying groceries and cooking at home is generally more cost-effective than dining out. Costs vary based on the type and quality of food, and where you shop. A monthly grocery budget typically ranges from $100 to $200.

University Meal Plans: Some universities offer meal plans or dining options on campus, providing affordable meals at cafeterias or dining halls. The cost of meal plans varies by university and the number of meals included.

Eating Out: Dining at restaurants, cafes, or fast-food chains should be factored into your monthly food expenses. This option is usually more expensive than cooking at home.

Overall, managing your food budget effectively involves balancing grocery shopping, university meal plans, and dining out.


Public transportation in major Georgian cities like Tbilisi, Batumi, and Kutaisi includes buses, metro, and trams. Costs vary by mode and distance, but students often receive discounted rates with a valid student ID. Monthly passes, costing $10 to $15, offer significant savings. Other transportation options include taxis, personal vehicles, and ride-sharing, but these are typically more expensive. Bicycles are a cost-effective alternative for students.


Utility costs, including water, gas, electricity, and trash, depend on accommodation type, location, and usage. Dormitory and homestay rents often include utilities. Students should also budget for internet and mobile bills. On average, utility costs range from $50 to $60 per month.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory for foreign students in Georgia. Coverage can be obtained through private companies or university plans, costing $100 to $200 per month. This ensures access to necessary healthcare services during your stay.

Leisure Activities

Students can enjoy various leisure activities in Georgia, such as visiting historical sites, attending cultural events, and exploring local dining and entertainment. Many attractions are free, while others may charge an entrance fee. Budgeting $100 to $200 monthly for leisure activities allows for a balanced social life.

Tips on Budgeting Living Expenses in Georgia

  1. Prepare a Monthly Budget: Outline expenses for rent, food, transportation, utilities, and miscellaneous items. Track spending with budgeting apps or spreadsheets.
  2. Choose Affordable Housing: Opt for shared apartments, dormitories, or homestays to save on rent.
  3. Cook and Meal Prep: Save by cooking at home and buying affordable ingredients from local markets.
  4. Use Public Transportation: Take advantage of discounted monthly passes for buses and metro services.
  5. Utilize Student Discounts: Many establishments offer discounts to students—always carry your student ID.
  6. Save for Emergencies: Allocate a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses to avoid financial stress.


Managing living expenses is crucial for foreign students in Georgia. Typical annual expenses range from $7,000 to $8,000. By budgeting effectively, students can enjoy their educational experience without financial strain. For more information on studying Georgia, contact Study-Georgia.