Study In Georgia


Architecture Study Program in Georgia

The aim of the Bachelor Programme in Architecture is to prepare graduates who:
possess a broad theoretical and practical knowledge in architecture; are able to critically review the existing trends in architecture, are able to use the knowledge acquired in architecture;

  • understand the current problems faced by a modern city and offer different alternatives to the problem;
  • have the ability to conduct research, design buildings based on the research and have a developed architectural design management skill;
  • possess a necessary skill of being able to correctly and precisely express their architectural ideas and concepts through a variety of different programs and techniques.
    In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, Bachelor Programme in Architecture focuses its attention on practice-based teachings.
    The largest share of studio teaching integrated into Free University’s Bachelor of Architecture, is the architectural design studio classes. This method of teaching involves theoretical study of the subject in parallel with its practical applications. Students will be engaged in interactive learning and use their knowledge to perform various practical tasks.
    This will facilitate not only the development of students’ practical skills, but also an in-depth study of the subjects covered by the program, which in turn will enable to prepare competent and qualified specialists fit for the labour market.
    Career Options:
    Students enrolled in Bachelor’s in Architecture Programme will receive up-to-date knowledge and expertise in modern architecture, ensuring their competitiveness on the labour market and a potential to have a successful career.

After receiving the bachelor’s degree in Architecture, graduates can be employed in various
companies, state or non-governmental organizations, including, but not limited to:

  • Architecture;
  • Civil Engineering;
    Construction and development project management;
    Urban planning.
    Consequently, graduates of the Bachelor’s in Architecture Programme will have very wide employment perspectives, as they can be employed in architectural, construction, real estate development and design companies. 

Knowledge and Understanding:

As a result of successful completion of the Bachelor Programme in Architecture, the graduate will realize complex issues in architecture, construction and urban planning. Graduates will have a wide range of knowledge in architectural, which include critical understanding of theories and principles;

knowledge of various stages of the history of architecture and its development stages;
knowledge of the basic criteria and characteristics of cultural heritage, as well as artistic-aesthetic value of architectural artworks/styles of certain epochs and regions/countries (e.g., Middle East, Georgia, modern Western Europe); 

knowledge of the main trends of Georgian urban development and its relation the global urban development trends; knowledge of the basics and major characteristics of the field; knowledge of various technical methods for expressing architectural ideas; architectural design of buildings and necessary aspects of design project management; legislative basis for planning and construction; methods of research required for design work; understanding and knowledge of spatial, material and conceptual challenges in architecture.

Applying Knowledge to Practice:

As a result of successful completion of the Bachelor Programme of Architecture, the graduate will be able to: design a building and to plan project’s stages; conduct the necessary research for architectural design; use architectural and legal skills in the field of planning and construction;
manage buildings’ environmental systems; express architectural ideas through various techniques (including: sketch, drawing, masking, video, photo, CAD, GIS, Illustrator, BIM, etc.); prepare and organise their own architectural design project exhibits.
Ability to Make Conclusion:
Graduates will have the ability to collect and interpret field-specific data, as well as analyse
this data and events, using appropriate methods to establish/form a justified conclusion.

Communication Skills:

Graduates will be able to: prepare a detailed written report on ideas, ongoing problems and
solutions, as well as exchange the information with specialists and non-specialists in Georgian and English languages; use modern information and communication technologies; participate in debates, discussions and public dialogue about field-specific issues; conduct written and oral presentation in Georgian and English languages; work in teams.

Ability to Learn:

After successful completion of the programme, graduates will have the ability to: consistently and comprehensively evaluate the learning process, as well as to determine and implement steps for further learning; continuously learn and deepen the knowledge; integrate acquired knowledge against constantly updating and changing information.


Graduates will be able to participate in the formation of values in architectural field and seek
to establish them; appreciate and respect differences and cultural diversity; respect
different/distinctive views and opinions.

Learning and Teaching Methods

In order to achieve the learning outcomes, the purpose of each study course is to determine the appropriate learning and teaching methods. In general, within the bachelor programme in Architecture, following teaching methods are used: lectures, seminars, practical exercises and simulations.
For measuring of learning outcomes, both formal and evaluative forms are used: homework, tests, verbal and practical examinations, presentations, parsing of completed works, reports, projects, essay and others. According to the study courses, teaching methods are written in syllabus.
The lecturer is also authorised to use methods that are not included in the programme. If a different teaching method is used, information about it will be indicated in the syllabus.