Study In Georgia

Information Technology Study Program in Georgia 1

Information Technology Study Program in Georgia

Program goals:

The aim of the program is to prepare competent qualified specialists in modern computer and information technology. To give the graduate the knowledge of the relevant theories of computer and information technologies and to develop practical skills, develop a lifelong learning and continuous professional development skills and be able to achieve the best of modern computer technologies, education, science and business administration. 

Introduce best practices and preliminary ideas; Knowledge of the basics of higher mathematics and physics, modern programming languages, operating systems, computer architecture, computer network, database, web technologies, geoinformation systems, information technology projects management, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity grounds. To develop the practical skills necessary for a modern computer and IT specialist. 

After completion of the program, graduates will be able to work in private and state organizations as computer processing and software specialists, web designers, computer network specialists, cybersecurity specialists, mobile application and/or game developers. Integrated International Certificate Courses in the program, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle Academic Training Courses, will give students an opportunity to obtain international certificates

Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstration Method
  • Discussion of the news;
  • Practical work;
  • Laboratory work;
  • Presentation;
  • Teamwork;
  • Critical analysis;
  • Literature Review;
  • The method of working on the book;
  • Find relevant material in electronic format or library;

Knowledge and understanding

The graduate will be able to:

  • Have knowledge of tendencies and development stages modern computer technology developments;
  • Have knowledge of Advanced mathematics and fundamentals of physics;
  • Have knowledge of office systems;
  • Have knowledge of the fundamentals of modern operating systems and architecture;
  • Have knowledge of structure and syntax of modern programming languages (C++, C#, Java);
  • Have knowledge of the fundamentals of web development;
  • Have knowledge of planning, management and security issues of computer networks;
  • Have knowledge of planning and management issues of the modern database systems;
  • Have knowledge of MapInfo fundamentals;
  • Have knowledge of fundamentals of mobile application developments on Android Platform;
  • Have knowledge of modern IT Services and Projects Management issues;
  • Have knowledge of cybersecurity fundamentals;

Applying knowledge

The graduate will be able to:

  • Solve some simple engineering problem by using knowledge of mathematical and physical principles;
  • Develop software with modern programming languages (C++, C#, Java);
  • Work effectively with modern computer operating systems and office programs;
  • Determine the compatibility of different types and standards devices;
  • Create multifunctional web pages;
  • Design, implement and manage local computer networks, detect and solve problems in the local network;
  • Design, implement and manage modern database systems;
  • Develop and manage the GIS database based on the MapInfo platform;
  • Use Legal Regulations of Cyber Security Regulatory properly.

Making judgments

The graduate will be able to:

  • Use analytical methods to determine and analyze the efficiency of algorithms;
  • Make conclusions about the planning of information and graphics issues of web pages;
  • Make conclusions about planning issues for small corporate computer network;
  • Analyze and conclude issues in the field of IT;
  • Make a conclusion regarding the creation and administration of the database;
  • Make conclusions about the structure and function of the Android platform;

Communications skills

The graduate will be able to:

  • Use modern information and communication technologies;
  • Participate in professional discussion and present oral speech or write reports (problem-solving, using methods, abstracts, etc.);
  • Work in a team;
  • Participate in the presentation of the project/discussion with relevant field specialists;

Learning skills

The graduate will be able to:

  • Evaluate their learning process consistently and multilaterally;
  • Extend the learning process;
  • Integrate own knowledge and experience with new ones;
  • Constantly develop and renew their knowledge/skills in the field of technological innovations;
  • Search literature and use of it to increase knowledge independently;


The graduate will be able to:

  • Recognize requirements defined by professional, ethical and legal norms, protect own knowledge in the field of consciousness and respect for the creative achievements of other specialists;
  • Complete assigned tasks in a timely and efficient manner;
  • Get information about the world’s modern achievements in the field of information technologies;
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